30 Things you Didn’t Know About Coffee

What random things do you think we know about coffee that you may not? Let’s find out!

Here are 30 rather interesting and very random things you didn’t know about coffee. Mmmmm coffee.

  • Coffee was originally chewed, not brewed: Before coffee was brewed into a drink, its beans were mixed with animal fat and eaten for energy by African tribes.
  • Goats are credited with the discovery of coffee: Legend has it that coffee was discovered by a goat herder in Ethiopia who noticed his goats frolicking energetically after eating coffee cherries.
  • The word “coffee” originates from the Arabic “qahwah”: The term originally referred not to the beverage itself but to a type of wine, which was called “qahwa”.
  • The Boston Tea Party made coffee popular in America: After the revolt against the heavy tea taxes imposed by the British, Americans switched from tea to coffee as an act of patriotism.
  • Espresso means “pressed out” in Italian: This refers to the way espresso is made — forcing boiling water through pressed coffee grounds.
  • There are two main types of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta. Arabica beans are more popular and perceived as smoother and more flavorful, while Robusta beans are more bitter but pack more caffeine.
  • Finland is the world’s top coffee consumer: Per capita, the Finns consume more coffee than any other country, with each person drinking about 12 kilograms of coffee per year.
  • The world’s most expensive coffee can cost over $600 per pound: Kopi Luwak, made from beans that have been eaten and excreted by the Asian Palm Civet, is famed for its unique processing and high price.
  • Coffee can help you live longer: Studies have shown that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of death from diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease.
  • Beethoven was a coffee lover: He was so precise about his coffee that he counted 60 beans per cup before brewing it.
  • The first webcam was invented to monitor a coffee pot: It was created at the University of Cambridge to help people avoid wasted trips to the coffee pot.
  • Istanbul had a law that made it legal for a woman to divorce her husband if he didn’t provide her with enough coffee: This law from the 15th century underscores the importance of coffee in Turkish society.
  • The largest cup of coffee ever brewed was over 3,700 gallons: This record was set in Honduras in 2018.
  • Brazil has been the largest producer of coffee for over 150 years: The country produces about a third of all coffee in the world.
  • The first European coffeehouse opened in Venice in 1645: Coffeehouses quickly became popular across Europe as places for intellectual exchange and commerce.
  • Coffee beans are actually seeds: They’re found inside of the coffee cherries, which grow on coffee plants.
  • An Americano was named after American soldiers in WWII: They would dilute espresso with water to mimic the coffee back home.
  • The first patented espresso machine was invented in 1884: Angelo Moriondo of Turin, Italy, received the patent for a steam-driven “instantaneous” coffee beverage making device.
  • Instant coffee has been around since the late 18th century: It was first invented in Britain in 1771 but didn’t become popular until much later.
  • Coffee may have been used in spiritual practices: Some Sufi sects would drink coffee to keep themselves awake during nighttime devotions.
  • A French doctor in the 1600s recommended Café Au Lait for patients: Believing it had numerous health benefits, he was one of the first to prescribe coffee.
  • The Pope blessed coffee: Pope Clement VIII was urged to declare coffee the bitter invention of Satan. After tasting it, he found it so satisfying that he blessed it instead.
  • Coffee helped lead to the Age of Enlightenment: Coffeehouses of the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe were centers of intellectual exchange, which contributed to the Enlightenment.
  • The term “coffee pot” dates back to 1705: Before that, coffee was often made in standard pots or pans.
  • Starbucks opens an average of two stores per day: Since its foundation in 1971, Starbucks has grown into the world’s largest coffeehouse chain.
  • The first known coffee advertisement was in 1652 in London: It appeared in a newspaper and touted coffee’s benefits, claiming it could cure various ailments.
  • September 29th is National Coffee Day in the United States: Many countries around the world have their own versions of a coffee day.
  • During the 17th century, coffee was sometimes prescribed as a medicine: It was believed to have many health benefits, including improving mood and curing diseases.
  • Coffee can improve athletic performance: It is known to increase adrenaline levels in the blood, which enhances physical performance.
  • New York City drinks about 7 times more coffee than other cities in the US: Reflecting its bustling lifestyle and high number of coffee shops.

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